Written by: Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman, Rabbi
Dear Temple Israel Community,
I am writing with some personal news to share. After much inner wrestling it has become clear to me that I need to trim back my professional responsibilities and pay more attention to my health. Therefore, as of June 30th I will be stepping down, earlier than I expected, as the full-time Rabbi of Temple Israel. This has been a very difficult decision but one I could no longer avoid.
While I feel the need to make this change in my work life, I intend to maintain my connection with Temple Israel. Steve and I have made our home here and we see Temple Israel as our community. We value the relationships we have made over these past five years, and which have only deepened over time. While my official role here will change, I plan to continue to do the work I love, including teaching, spiritual counseling and interfaith work. I have also offered to provide back-up Rabbinic support for the next Rabbi if needed.
For those families with life cycle events planned for summer ’25, I want to allay any concerns you may have. Despite stepping down from full time work at Temple Israel as of June 30th, I plan to continue to work with your children through the summer, officiate at their s’machot (joyous celebrations) and officiate at any other life cycle events I have committed to, as previously planned.
In the next several months, we will be working out a transition plan. I will do all I can to support the community during this time of transition and support the Board’s efforts in finding new Rabbinic leadership.
I have been deeply moved by all the appreciation and love the community has shared with me and my family and I will be forever grateful. I am honored to have served as your rabbi.
With blessings for the continued growth and health of our community,
Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman