Purim Begins March 13

Please join Temple Israel for our Purim Events

Celebrate Purim’s 4 Mitzvot

Download a Printable Fridge Flyer with all our Purim Activities

Join us at these events!

Mishteh – Megillah
Erev Purim, Thursday, March 13, 2025

6:00 PM – Pizza Dinner – Register so we have enough pizza!

6:30 PM – Silly Megillah Reading in the sanctuary – come in costume or a silly hat!
All attendees are encouraged to come in costume, the stranger the better! The reading will be followed by a dessert reception featuring traditional homemade hamantashen and Purim Shpiel! No registration needed.

Mishloach Manot
Please bring treats to share with one another at our Silly Megillah Reading on Thursday, March 13!
(Some suggestions for your shalach manot bag:  Hamantaschen, citrus fruit, individually wrapped Hershey’s Kisses, Sunkist Fruit Gels, dried fruit. With home-baked treats, please include a list of ingredients.)

Purim in OZ Carnival

Sunday, March 16
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Follow the yellow brick road to magical land of games, food, prizes, and fun!

Register for the Carnival

Matanot La’evyonim

Giving to those in need

  • Temple Israel Food Drive, March 10 – 14
  • Support Leket Israel in their efforts to provide hot meals for Israeli families during their time of need by sending Purim ecards!

Visit Leket’s Purim Campaign


Celebrating with kids?

The PJ Library Purim Hub has plenty of ideas and resources!

PJ Library Purim Hub





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