Temple Israel Launches New Membership Initiative

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Terumah logoTerumah, a flexible approach to Temple Israel membership

Beginning with the 2024-2025 membership year, Temple Israel has adopted a voluntary “Sustaining Pledge” membership model, which we are calling Terumah. The sustaining number represents the actual annual costs of employing our staff, maintaining our synagogue, and providing services, programs, and life-cycle events, divided by the number of members. The sustaining number for the 2024-2025 fiscal year is $1,250 per adult member.

We ask members to pledge an amount of their choice, based on what Temple Israel means to you and what makes financial sense for you while considering the actual cost of operating Temple Israel. We know that some will not contribute at the sustaining level – whether due to financial constraints or for other reasons – so it is our hope that others will consider a pledge beyond that amount. This way, we can ensure that Temple Israel will continue to be a vibrant home for Jewish life that is welcoming to all.

Learn more about this new program.

To be added to the guest list for Temple Israel’s September 15 Open House, please fill out the Interest Form.





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