Supporting Peace In Israel and Beyond

Supporting Peace In Israel and Beyond

Below you will find resources and information on the current situation in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and ways to support peace as we move forward.

Stay informed

Follow trustworthy sources.


Times of Israel


Jerusalem Post

New Israel Fund

Brandeis Schusterman Center for Israel Studies: Israel at War

CJP: Israel Under Attack resource page

Jewish Federation of NH maintains a statewide resource: Israel Connections

Shalom Hartman Institute

USCJ Israel Resource Page

Give tzedakah

Timely links are found in the temple’s weekly bulletin, including:

Organizations Needing Support – Curated by JFNH

Hand in Hand Schools  “Hand in Hand is building inclusion and equality between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel through a growing network of bilingual, integrated schools and communities.”

HIAS  “HIAS continues to respond to the needs of those impacted by the brutal attacks in Israel. Here’s just a few ways your donation will go swiftly to work – it will help: – Distribute basic supplies, like hygiene kits, school materials, and blankets; – Give cash vouchers, especially to people in shelters, so that they can buy the materials and resources they need to survive; – Offer support for local partners who are able to give shelter, medical services, and legal aid.”

Magen David Adom  “In the United States, disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services are handled by an array of organizations. In Israel, there’s one organization that does it all — Magen David Adom. Although MDA’s role is mandated by the Israeli government, it’s not a government agency. As Israel’s official representative to the International Red Cross, Magen David Adom’s role precludes it from accepting governmental support for its general operations. Because of this arrangement, MDA relies on support from donors, including those from the United States, to keep its dispatch systems, training, and equipment the best in the world.”

Mazon Works to alleviate food insecurity in Israel.

Oasis of Peace: The American Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (“Oasis of Peace” in Hebrew and Arabic) supports the operations, programs, and initiatives of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam, a unique and inspiring cooperative village jointly founded by Israeli Jews and Arabs in 1972 to explore lived solutions to peace in the region.

Yatom “Your support is helping vulnerable children in Israel.”


On October 18, Rabba Kaya led a Community Prayer Vigil for Peace in the historic sanctuary.

Attend Shabbat services in person, or the 5:30 pm Tuesday minyan via Zoom.

Listen to Songs of Healing and Peace, collected into a Spotify playlist by Rabba Kaya.

Tefila with the Names of our Kidnapped courtesy USCJ

Prayers for Israel

Prayers- Israel in Crisis, from the RA and USCJ


Write an email, send a text, or make a phone call to your elected representatives. In your community, classroom, or social media platform – let the world know that you stand with Israel.

Wear a blue ribbon in support of the hostages’ safe return.

Participate in the One Minute a Day challenge to raise awareness about the plight of the hostages with our elected officials. Daily scripts provided on the website to help organize your calls.

The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies Israel Emergency Campaign includes a variety of programs and initiatives. See their recent flyer for a list.

Bring more light into the world

Commit to doing one mitzvah or a kind deed every day, that we might tilt the world toward light, compassion and peace.

Reach out

Many of us have family and friends in Israel. (or friends with family in Israel). Letting someone know that they are not alone is an important gesture. Make a call, send a text or email asking how they are doing and letting them know they are in our hearts.

Resources for talking with children about the conflict in Israel. It’s important to let children know that the adults in their lives are here to support them and talk to them about their feelings. This can be a daunting task but see the links below for tips on how to start a conversation.

Tips for parents of elementary school children

Tips for parents of middle school children

After Terror: 5 Jewish Ways to Help Kids Deal

How to Talk to Kids about What’s happening in Israel Right Now

Additional resources for parents


Resources for talking with teens about the conflict in Israel and antisemitism on campus. I

Moving Traditions offers a wealth of resources and timely webinars for teens and their parents


Put personal politics aside

Our community is constituted by a membership with a range of political views both in America and Israel. Now is the time to set our differences aside and work together to support an end to the hostage crisis and bring a lasting peace to Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.