Elul Events

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Please join Temple Israel for a variety of Elul events:

This year’s High Holidays seem like they are approaching in slow motion. We know they are coming but we can’t quite see them yet, as Rosh Hashanah doesn’t start until the evening of October 2. That gives us time to prepare internally, and to make High Holiday plans with friends, family, and the synagogue.

Spiritually, the month of Elul (which dominates the month of September) is a time for reflecting on the year that is ending and preparing for the future by cleaning out the cobwebs of our souls, so to speak. This year several programs are available at Temple Israel to help us through Elul: a series of book discussions led by Allison Miller; a Zoom discussion with Rabbi Shai Held, Rabba Kaya, and two other NH rabbis about Rabbi Held’s recent book, Judaism Is About Love; cemetery visits (kever avot) to honor the memory of our beloved family members; a program with Rabba Kaya and Reb Beni (our new rabbinic intern); a movie/discussion on the evening of Selichot; and a reverse tashlich beach cleanup.

Surely, there is something here for everyone. I hope you will try out one of these offerings to enhance your preparations for the High Holidays. Go to the temple website’s Elul page for times and locations.

Read more about our offerings!



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