Beyond B’nei Mitzvah

Beyond B’nei Mitzvah

Temple Israel offers many exciting programs for middle and high school students who are interested in staying connected to the Jewish community.

Madrichim Program

Madrichim are teaching assistants who work in the classrooms and other areas throughout the Religious School. These enthusiastic teens have completed their Jewish education through seventh grade and seek to continue their relationship with our Religious School. New madrichim participate in a special orientation with the head of school to develop skills to assist in the classroom. They receive direct supervision from the classroom teachers to whom they are assigned. Madrichim not only provide support to classroom teachers, they are valued role models for our children.


Temple Israel encourages teens to stay involved in our synagogue—inside its sacred walls and beyond in our Jewish community. Opportunities can range from chanting haftarah, to greeting congregants on Shabbat, to building the sukkah, to organizing a summer Havdalah service at a local beach. To stay involved, contact Heather Tomlinson, administrative director, or our Head of School.

United Synagogue Youth (USY)

USY is the youth group of USCJ, made up of Jewish teens across North America. We are part of USY’s HaNer Region. USY empowers youth to develop friendships, leadership skills, a sense of belonging to the Jewish people and a commitment to inspired Jewish living through meaningful and fun experiences rooted in Conservative Judaism’s approach to learning, spiritual expression and social responsibility. Through year-round programming and domestic and international travel opportunities, USY inspires in teens a deep sense of pride and love for their Jewish identity.

Temple Israel is working to offer both Junior USY for 6th-8th graders and Senior USY for 9th-12th graders. However, establishing a local chapter during the Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging. Our synagogue hopes to offer local chapter events and participate in regional experiences including conventions, week-long summer encampment, dances, fall boat cruise, leadership retreats and activities by grade. For more information about Junior or Senior USY, or to learn more about becoming our USY advisor, contact our coordinator by email.