

Shabbat is the high point of the Jewish week, a time to reconnect, reflect, relax and give thanks.

Sabbath Challah, Candles, Wine cup and Challah Cover

It can be a special time to gather with family or friends, to light candles and taste the sweetness in a glass of wine and a bite of challah. We welcome Shabbat at Friday evening services with music, prayer, song and readings in English and Hebrew. Afterward, we come together socially for an oneg, a time to enjoy some sweet treats and visit with friends. Periodically we have special musical guests and instrumental accompaniment.

Shabbat morning services include traditional morning prayers, chanted and sung to new and old melodies; Torah service following the triennial calendar of readings; a dvar (talk) or discussion about the week’s Torah portion; Haftarah; and closing prayers. Our congregation loves to sing throughout the service, and we invite you to join in, even if you don’t know the words. On some Shabbats we share a kiddush following services, a chance for a light lunch and conversation.

Our B’nei Mitzvah students and lay leaders contribute to our joyful services on a regular basis, whether by leading parts of the service, chanting Torah or Haftarah, or sharing their thoughts on the week’s Parsha.

Tot Shabbats are held on occasional Friday afternoons. These services offer families with young children an opportunity to celebrate Shabbat with song and become familiar with our prayers. Following services, all enjoy a family-friendly kiddush.