Get Involved

Get Involved

We invite you to learn about our wide array of programs and groups and to get involved

Attend a program, work behind the scenes to plan events, or help manage some aspect of synagogue life.

Volunteering is a great way to improve our community, expand your horizons and make use of your talents. We encourage you to begin by submitting our Community Engagement Questionnaire.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please use the email links to contact group leaders, or use the button below to contact Temple Administrative Director Heather Tomlinson for general information.

Contact Us

Chai Rollers casino night


Brotherhood  Bringing together the men of the congregation for social and service activities including latke making for Chanukah, bagel and lox breakfasts, Sukkah building, temple beautification projects, card nights and baseball outings. For more information contact our Brotherhood president by email.

Sisterhood Connecting women and offering support to the Temple Israel community. Activities include Simchat Torah ice cream party, a women’s discussion group and winter craft fair. For more information contact our Sisterhood president by email.

Spring Event Committee Planning and executing the annual spring fundraiser: decorating, cooking, lining up entertainment, organizing a raffle or auction. For more information contact Heather Tomlinson, administrative director, by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 10.

Quilt Square of Temple Israel entrance

Art Review Team Organizing art shows in public spaces at Temple Israel. For more information contact the coordinator by email.

Youth Group Advising or assisting with Junior or Senior USY. Learn more or contact our advisor by email.

Teen Programs Connecting middle and high school students to our Jewish community through volunteering, the madrichim program and USY. Learn more or contact Elian Tackeff, head of school, by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 25.

Home Hospitality Opening your home to visiting clergy, speakers, entertainers or groups of young people, for a meal or overnight. Or hosting a group of temple members for celebrations of Havdalah or Shabbat. For more information contact Heather Tomlinson, administrative director, by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 10.



Ritual Committee Setting policy and procedures related to Jewish practice within Temple Israel. For more information contact our vice president of ritual by email.

Help Lead Services Reading Torah or Haftarah, learning to serve as a gabbai, leading part of a service. For more information contact Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 12.

Participate in Services One of the most important contributions a temple member can make. You might help make a minyan! For more information contact Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 12.

Usher at High Holiday Services For more information contact our vice president of ritual by email.

Chevra Kadisha Performing the sacred duties of preparing our loved ones for burial. For more information contact our vice president of ritual by email.

Shofar Demonstration


Adult Education Committee Developing courses to further Jewish education. For more information contact Heather Tomlinson, administrative director, by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 10.

Education Committee Overseeing our Early Learning Center and Religious School. For more information contact our vice president of education by email.

Israel Affairs Developing programs to encourage our congregation’s knowledge of and engagement with Israel. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Holocaust Torah Committee Fulfilling the congregation’s obligations as the custodian of a Holocaust Torah: promoting awareness of the Holocaust as a unique historical event with universal implications for today, and leveraging the lessons of history to promote tolerance and understanding. Learn more or contact our committee chair by email.

Hands of Hope

Helping People in Need

Seacoast Family Promise Volunteering with a regional program to provide meals and overnight support for families experiencing homelessness. Learn more or contact our coordinator by email.

Tikkun Olam Committee Taking action to repair the world. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Chesed Squad Providing visits, meals, rides and other help to community members in need. For more information contact our committee chair by email.


Synagogue Operations

Membership Committee Encouraging recruitment and retention of membership in Temple Israel. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Cemetery Committee Showing respect for our departed by maintaining and caring for the cemetery, including an interfaith section. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Development Committee Coordinating and overseeing fundraising and donor stewardship activities. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Temple Israel Tours Giving tours of Temple Israel. For more information contact our coordinator by email.

Endowment Committee Managing the endowment funds and allocating interest earned. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Financial Oversight Committee Supporting the Treasurer and advising on temple financial planning. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

House Committee Ensuring the safety, security, maintenance, continuity and beauty of our physical facility. For more information contact our committee chair by email.

Library Committee Overseeing the Nancy Mae Shaines Memorial Library’s extensive collection of Jewish fiction, nonfiction, movies and reference materials. For more information contact our librarian by email.

Office and IT Help Assisting with bulk mailings, technology, website. For more information contact Heather Tomlinson, administrative director, by email or at (603) 436-5301 ext. 10.

Ready to get involved?

Temple Administrative Director Heather Tomlinson will be glad to put you in touch with leaders of these committees.